Tag Archives: poop

Bathroom Talk…

Often times I will have clients who come in for a colonic and of course we talk about how often they #2 in the bathroom. Once a day is 40% of my clients and 40% is every other day and the remaining 20% falls into the once a week once a month category. Could you […]

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Guest Blog Post on Broccoli Cupcake’s Blog: “Is Poop a Four Letter Word?”

I recently wrote this entry for broccoli cupcake. I recently started following her through twitter @broccolicupcake and reached out when she asked for a guest post from a health expert.   Below is how it went down 🙂   I hope you enjoy! Is “poop” a four letter word? Posted on December 14, 2009, 2:06 pm, by […]

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colonics and it’s clients

As a fairly new colon hydrotherapist (3 years) I always have this inner expectation of how I want a first time client session to go. I want them to get tons of poop out. I want them to be wowed in amazement by how much poop is actually stored in their colon.  Sometimes that happens, […]

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What is a Colonic, and why go to the trouble?

What is a Colonic? Colon hydrotherapy is the practice of using filtered warm water to irrigate the colon and remove waste that has been compacted to the colon walls. When your body does not eliminate waste it affects many aspects of your health. Along the walls of your colon could contain parasites, worms, accumulated mucus […]

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